Thursday, September 16, 2010

Almost Lover

It's just an ordinary morning then I chat with you. Out of nowhere I requested an "in open relationship" with you. You are nice ever since I know you, but then I never thought that it end up like this. Gi career nko ako ang Fb na status, at first it's just for fun but then it hurt me when you ignored my message.

Damn hate this much, more than I thought. It's been a year when my engagement was ruin again third party story, that's when I promise myself not to get involved in "LOVE". I was so stupid to play love again. My friends was half shocked and half happy when they see my profile with your name on it. I thought I was cold as ice that I won't fall in heart matter but then I was wrong over and over again.

I don't know when I start loving you my "almost lover". I really thought that this crazy status won't hurt me, that what we have is just another false relationship in a damn social network. Hurt is what I have right now for you. Pain is what my heart have right now. Frustration for I want to know why you've given me cold treatment that I guess I don't deserve.

I was so ready to love again and I was so ready to show you how much you mean to me, but I guess I was destined to be single after all this time. Goodbye my "almost lover" and I want to thank you, because now I realize I am still alive and I am capable to love again.

Now I know loving someone is not an assurance that they'll love you back even how much you tried to be part of that someone's life. I maybe in midst of hurt and love right just wish me luck that I will forget all this madness I have right now. I am stupid again hate me much for choosing you.

♥ crazymuchagain♥